Sunday, February 23, 2014

Blood Is Thicker Than Water

When I was growing up, I was fortunate enough to live around five minutes away from each set of grandparents. My family actually lived in the house that my Grandfather built. Needless to say, my grandparents were very involved in our lives whilst I was growing up. My dad eventually got another job when I was eighteen and we moved from our little ol' town in Utah, to a scary ghetto one in California. The absolute worst part was that I was so much farther away from my grandparents. Yes, I missed my friends. Yes, I still miss the snow. But missing family is a different kind of empty.

Losing both of my grandfathers in recent years has been difficult. Especially when I feel like I wasn't there enough and I would have liked to be. But I have had the extreme fortune of having both of my grandmas come stay with my parents for a couple months at a time, to whom I live rather close. 

Now the real reason behind this post is because I have gotten a couple different people saying things along the lines of, "Oh, that's sweet to hang out with your Grandma." And the sentiment behind it is nice! Trust me, I'm sure there's some little old lady in a rest home, cursing her grandkids because they suck and never visit or call. But believe me when I say that when I'm hanging out with my grandmas, the pleasure is all mine. I love those ladies more than life itself. And when I see movies where parents have to drag their kids, kicking and screaming, to see their grandparents, I just want to punch the kids and the parents in the throat.

I abhor seeing those motivational quotes saying stuff along the lines of "family isn't always blood" bull shit. Sometimes, I'm sure there are those who have a terrible family system. Those aren't usually the people posting this stuff. It's the people who have conflicts with their family because said family cares about them. Or their family is perfectly adequate but they keep comparing to the proverbial Jones'. Blood is thicker than water. There I said it. And it's true. Because, yes, you probably do have friends who have your back no matter what. But one's true family is everything.

Never will I regret the time I've spent with my family. Even if we're not doing anything particularly special. All the Family Home Evenings, Holidays spent together, camping and my favorite Saturday lunch dates with my dad, I will cherish until the day that I die. 

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Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Big, Fat Slackers

So, if you remember, Emily and I started our exclusive you're-not-invited book club. (Sorry, not sorry) But we love it when people read so go ahead and secretly read along with us. Anyhow, we ambitiously set forth to read two classics during the month of October. Well, truth be told: we failed TREMENDOUSLY. Not only did we not finish both Frankenstein and Dracula in October but only yesterday (in February) did I finish only Dracula.

Now, we all get busy. Blah blah blah we're adults, we have lives, the holidays etc. I tried to read every day, even if it was only one page. But then I would realize that days had gone by without so much as reading the title of the book. Sob story over… I eventually finished and that's all that matters.

I have to say, I loved the book. Or should I say I "ended up" loving it. The story starts off slowly and builds nicely enough but there were many times during the book where I was slightly underwhelmed. Everything is told through diary entries so you aren't getting the brunt of the action, which made it interesting at times and at others, made it seem thin. I won't delve more into it, just read it for yourself!! But if you want a more in-depth review, check out this chick's review on youtube. Good stuff.

The link can be found here.

The next book we are enjoying for our February read will be Night by Elie Wiesel! And no, don't ask me how to pronounce his last name.

I actually know nothing of this book so I'm actually pretty excited about reading it and experiencing it for the first time. I got it off of the list that we found on BuzzFeed, which can be found here. Feel free to read with us and comment your feedback!

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