Tuesday, October 22, 2013

What to Watch: Halloween Edition

Halloween is a favorite of mine and I LOVE scary movies of all kinds: bloody, creepy and the in between. Emily did a post of her favs for the Halloween season so I will copy her as always. (Especially appropriate since our favorite pastime in HS was to watch movies instead of school)

Now, I'm a bit of a cinephile so some of the normal "scary" movies just won't do. 

  • Let the Right One In: Creepiest Vampire movie EVER! Leave it to the Swedes to make a movie this disturbing. DO NOT be a fool and rent the American version, "Let Me In". This is crap even though it's followed pretty closely. I watched Let the Right One In for the first time alone and was adequately freaked out. And this is a feat because I don't frighten easily. 
  • Silence of the Lambs: I first watched this when I was twelve, I believe. It still freaks me out a bit and Anthony Hopkins is the perfect villain. Suspenseful, creepy and frightening. Good shiz.
  • The Cell: Don't let the fact that Jenny from the Block is the protagonist stop you from watching this. She's excellent and Vincent D'Onofrio as a creepy psychopath? Yes, please!
  • The Descent: This movie plays on your inherent fear of small spaces and the dark. Then throws in creepy, man-eating monsters and some female drama. What's scarier than that?
  • The Sixth Sense: This is a classic and that can even go unsaid. (but I said it anyway dammit!) Even though you know what happens, it doesn't fail to disturb.
  • Young Frankenstein: This is just an amazing film. Gene Wilder is sexy as ever (rawr) and come on... Gene Wilder and Mel Brooks together? Perfection.  

So there you have it! A small sampler of some of my favorite creepy movies! 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

October Reads

It is now October 1st and for myself that means rather exciting occurrences! Mine and my bestie Em's birthdays are this month and I get a whole month devoted to Vampires, Witches and all things Jack Skellington. 

I am also over the moon about the October Reads. (yes you read that correctly, plural!) Em and I decided to read both Bram Stoker's Dracula and Mary Shelley's Frankenstein!

 I do not believe that either of us has read Dracula and only I have read Frankenstein, which I read in High School so it's about time for a refresher!

So if you would like to join, now is the time. Not like it matters but Em and I are reading Dracula first and, subsequently, Frankenstein.

Now on to a little bit of a review of our September Read: 
To Kill A Mockingbird

I absolutely loved this book. One thing I loved most about this book is how you experience it. You see everything unfold through the eyes of a child before the age of accountability. Scout Finch doesn't just accept things the way they are and she questions everything. I think this is most important when reading a book essentially about racism. As we all are well aware, people have learned such things with age and it was most tactful to hear about the events of the book through the eyes of innocence. 

Atticus is, of course, most lovable and Arthur "Boo" Radley is just as you imagine he is. And because of characters like Aunt Alexandra, you remember that people can surprise you especially when you have been quick to judge. 

The only thing I had a problem with was my edition of the book. I couldn't find a used copy (very sad, I know) so I bought the Harper Perennial Modern Classics. I liked the size of the book just fine and the cover feels nice but I was annoyed of the spelling errors in this edition. Come on people, doesn't someone get paid to edit??

So Happy Reading and Happy Haunting!

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