Monday, January 6, 2014

Why I Work Out

In no way am I perfect about working out and I don't really have a body to envy. I'm just a simple girl who likes to work out and wants to share the reasons why.

1. I Like Food

I like eating and I'm not ashamed of it. I'm not afflicted with a "Sweet Tooth" as it were but I do have a deep desire for something I find far more nefarious than a little refined sugar: Carbohydrates. I could eat pasta for every meal, including breakfast and I eat more bread than one should. Yes, I like veggies and I'm definitely a carnivore but carbs win big in my book and I'm sure I would have to run a hundred miles a week to work off what I eat in them. 

2. It Keeps Me From Murdering Someone

Okay, okay maybe that is a slight exaggeration but I surely need to work out to keep me happy. I find myself irritable if I haven't gotten those natural endorphins. We all know the positive side effects of working out, it's scientific!! But for some reason, most people find it to be more of an afterthought as opposed to something they actively utilize. And I understand it can be difficult but I find more often than not, that if I'm having a bad day, just going on a short run will make me feel worlds better. 

3. It Makes Me Feel Badass

I grew up with a lot of male influence in my life and also where even the girls did hard labor. I baled hay, built fences, plowed fields and kept all manner of livestock. I played soccer from a young age and rode my bike with my best friend all day, every day. Being able to keep up physically with the boys always empowered me. I like being strong. There's nothing wrong with wanting to be skinny. I just don't see any point in it. I guess the tomboy in me tells me there's nothing pragmatic about being skinny with no strength. 

So there's just a couple of the reasons why I like to lift heavy and I think you should too!

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