Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Not A Soul In Sight

My bestest friend in the world, EMILY, is being a dear and having me guest spot on her very own blog. Go check out her awesomeness for your own good. 
Here's the post anyways:

Do you ever get the feeling that the air has just been sucked out of a room? The hair on the back of your neck stands up. The chills come and then the goosebumps set in. Ghosts? Maybe. Just check one thing before you come to that conclusion: Did a redhead just walk in the room? If so, there's no need to fear or fright. We can't help it. It's only because (allegedly muahaha) we have no souls.

Now, as you have already deduced, I am a ginger! Hence, the name for my blog. Growing up as a ginger was... we'll say interesting. Not hard by any means, every child goes through an inordinate amount of (Hell, I'll just say it 'cause I do what I want) bullshit! Kids can be cruel and by golly were they cruel to me. Luckily as a ginger kid, I was born without a soul so that allowed me to give less kicks about what other people thought of me. 

To be truthful, I didn't know I was different for a long time. I mean, I knew I was awesome from an early age but I didn't really know that I actually looked different. 

(Totally adorable but Mom... would it have killed you to run a comb through my hair before committing this to film??!)

Being a redhead is a gift and a curse at the same time.
One thing I don't understand are "social cues" AND I don't have a filter. I say what I think, not meaning to sound rude or knowing it would be hurtful but I do it anyways. (Sorry Em) 

And see those freckles and pale skin? Going out in the sunlight is a chore for me.

When I was a kid, (I don't remember how old) I thought I was a normal human being. I rode my bike with my little sister to the local outdoor pool. I think I applied some sunblock when we got there but quickly forgot about it. We were there for the better part of that hot summer day; they had a snack bar and a big slide so we were well occupied. End of day comes and we are pooped. We rode home and when we get there, I noticed that it felt like my bathing suit straps were cutting gashes into my shoulders. So I took off my shirt and I'm sure you can guess what I saw... HUGE blisters on both shoulders had formed already! I had blisters on my back and my forehead and lemme tell you that IT HURT! It was so bad that my mom had to make me a tube top to be in for the next week.

So I'd like to end my time here to say THANK YOU to my bestest friend in the whole world for letting me guest spot on her blog. I love her, she seriously is the greatest.

{Flashback to Em's bachelorette party in Vegas many moons ago}

Everyone needs a redhead best friend. However, not everyone is going to get as lucky as Em here because redheads only make up for 2% of the world's population. We're like the unicorns of women, except we actually exist.

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Friday, September 6, 2013

Two Bibliophile's Book Club

My best friend, Emily and I are bookworms to the core. So it only made sense for us to create our own special little book club. Why we've waited so long to start this is beyond me (we have been best friends for over ten years). Em couldn't remember if we had read the Great Gatsby in High School and I reminded her that we hadn't. Since the movie was coming out with DiCaprio, (dreamboat, I know) of course we had to read it before we watched it.

All in all, I'm glad I read this long after I've graduated high school and at least been in love. Fatalism isn't an attractive concept of love to me anymore. Daisy and Jay have this empty, pathetic romance and what I feel is pity for the pair of them. Their lifestyle is vapid and extravagant; they ignore what should really be important to them.

The writing also leaves something to be desired. Being so short, I feel like it could have been longer.  The storyline seemed to be truncated and disconnected therefore feeling rushed to the point of laziness and shoddy writing skills. 

The next book on our reading list is To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. 

It's our September read so we haven't finished it yet. I'm only a few chapters in and I have to say that so far, I am in love with this book. Quoting Scout Finch, "Until I feared I would lose it, I never loved to read. One does not love breathing." Although I'm a self-proclaimed bibliophile and will admit to love reading, this quote resonated with me. 

If you're interested in joining, we're not "that" kind of book club. However, you are more than welcome to read along! We will be doing one book a month and here is the book list that we have started with.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Throwback: Gizmo

Seeing how it is Throwback Thursday in the Social Media world, I figured this would be a great way to introduce you to Gizmo!

In all his adorable, seven-pound glory...

Gizmo is a Papillon. It's French for "butterfly". The reason behind that is the facial markings and the long hair coming from under the ears. To be honest, Gizmo's hair isn't as impressive as some Papillons I've seen but I love him all the same. 

Before I got Gizmo, I did what any responsible pet owner does: I researched the breed. From what I found, Papillon was what I wanted and no one could talk me out of it. I'll tell you what, best decision of my life! 

Here's the story of how we met: I was at the mall, when I thought, "Hey, I like adorable puppies. Let's go have a look see in the pet store." I noticed the Papillon because that's the kind of dog I have wanted. This perfect little ball of black and white fluff there in a lucite cage of sadness. At this point in his young life, Gizmo was being fed. Now, this wouldn't be too exciting for the normal human being but what he did whilst eating incontrovertibly sealed our fate.

Gizmo was eating out of the same bowl as another puppy. I don't know what was going through his cute, fluffy little head but for some unknown reason, Gizmo stopped eating and pulled the other puppy away from the bowl by the tail. Now, to most people I'm sure this would be considered an act of defiant selfishness. "How dare he?" you might exclaim. To me, being a Ginger and understanding the need for boundaries and food, I saw it as the cutest bond between puppy and human that could come to be so soon in a relationship. 

That was the end of it. He was mine and I was his.

Lavish in all the adorableness that is Gizmo.

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