Halloween is a favorite of mine and I LOVE scary movies of all kinds: bloody, creepy and the in between. Emily did a post of her favs for the Halloween season so I will copy her as always. (Especially appropriate since our favorite pastime in HS was to watch movies instead of school)
Now, I'm a bit of a cinephile so some of the normal "scary" movies just won't do.
- Let the Right One In: Creepiest Vampire movie EVER! Leave it to the Swedes to make a movie this disturbing. DO NOT be a fool and rent the American version, "Let Me In". This is crap even though it's followed pretty closely. I watched Let the Right One In for the first time alone and was adequately freaked out. And this is a feat because I don't frighten easily.
- Silence of the Lambs: I first watched this when I was twelve, I believe. It still freaks me out a bit and Anthony Hopkins is the perfect villain. Suspenseful, creepy and frightening. Good shiz.
- The Cell: Don't let the fact that Jenny from the Block is the protagonist stop you from watching this. She's excellent and Vincent D'Onofrio as a creepy psychopath? Yes, please!
- The Descent: This movie plays on your inherent fear of small spaces and the dark. Then throws in creepy, man-eating monsters and some female drama. What's scarier than that?
- The Sixth Sense: This is a classic and that can even go unsaid. (but I said it anyway dammit!) Even though you know what happens, it doesn't fail to disturb.
- Young Frankenstein: This is just an amazing film. Gene Wilder is sexy as ever (rawr) and come on... Gene Wilder and Mel Brooks together? Perfection.
So there you have it! A small sampler of some of my favorite creepy movies!